30 May 2008

Dry paint no good...

Ok, so the store in my town that sells warhammer stuff is kinda crap. I wanted to buy some new paint to highlight my eldars (blazing orange if your interested) but it turns out all of their GW paints are all dried up. In their pots. How? You tell me. Concidering the amount of dust on them I'd say they hadn't moved in a good few years.

Anyway, so I've had to order my paint online, direct, but I also ordered the new "How to paint citadel miniatures" book which isn't released till the 7th. That means my paints won't be dispatched till then either. D'oh. Nevermind though. I've got a bunch of other stuff I can get on with in the meantime.

Anyway, now seems like as good a time as any to show some bits and bobs.

Here's my work area. Kinda cramped, bad lighting and not well thought out, but it does the job for now.

Yep, those are my eldar in the front. The ones I've basecoated anyway. Here they are close up:

Here's the first miniature I ever painted. A space Marine Commander (not quite complete I know):

And finally some chaos space marines. I've found these in some ways to be the most fun to paint, but in other ways the most boring. Don't ask me to explain:

Well, that's all for now. Peace.

1 comment:

Gorthaur said...

I was gonna get around to starting a Saim Hann army soon..any tips on painting? ive never used a white undercoat before, and I hate layering bright colors over black because its too time consuming. I did do a great job at an Iyanden scheme though..