17 June 2008

The space-time continuum is conspiring against me...

Ok, so I've been pretty busy as of late and havn't really done a whole lot of painting. I had a karate tournament, I had been training for, on sunday. I think there's another one in august, not sure. The one on sunday was good. Down in weston-super-mare. Had a few of the refs from the british university champs. Good guys.

Anyway, since I last posted I havn't really worked on my dire avengers. I undercoated them, and put part of the base down for the champion, and that's about it. I got bored of them after that, hah. They looked like fun on the box. Oh well. I have painting one of my grail knights, however. The box only came with four sets of legs though, so I'll be one knight short :(. I could take it back, but I only realised I had one leg missing after I started glueing them all together.

I've actually decided to start building up an army in either warmachine or hordes now. The miniatures look a heck of a lot better than whatever games workshop puts out. And that takes a lot for me to say that americans have done something better than us brits... d'oh. Privateer Press - I bow to you.

I've been thinking of getting in WM+H for a little while, and now that maelstrom are stocking them, I guess now is the parfect time. I can also pick up some vallejo paints I've been meaning to try from maelstrom. So far I've stuck to games workshop. But the bottles of vallejo look better as I can pour the paint out drop by drop. Making it easier to mix the correct paint ratios. I look forward to it.

Untill then,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brunel University hmm.. a friend of mine goes there, unlikely you will know him (Kev Kelly)! It continuously surprises me how small this world is especially with the internet!

Sorry, im rob (robisnow on websites) i live in borehamwood, crappy town where they film big brother plus other things... found your blog site through Tim's journal. just thought i'd say hi